北 京 大 数 据 研 究 院

论坛报名 | 机器学习如何改变传统科学?鄂维南院士坐镇,Roberto Car开场,探讨AI for science新机遇




机器学习与科学模型的有机结合,给传统的科学领域带来了新的发展机遇,也正在推动科研范式的创新。本论坛邀请到了活跃在这个领域最前沿的一些资深和年轻学者,来讨论AI for Science 带来的新的机遇和挑战。



1. Machine Learning Based Ab-initio Molecular Dynamics

议题简介:Computational cost severely limits the range of ab initio molecular dynamics simulations. Machine learning techniques are rapidly changing this state of affairs. Deep neural networks, that learn the interatomic potential energy surface from ab-initio data, make possible simulations with quantum mechanical accuracy at the cost of empirical force fields. These approaches can model not only atomistic dynamics but also dielectric response properties measured in experiments. I will discuss, in particular, the deep potential method developed at Princeton. In combination with incremental learning techniques, this approach makes possible to construct, with minimal learning cost, reactive potentials that are accurate over a vast range of thermodynamic conditions, such as the pressure and temperature regimes underlying molecular and ionic phases of water. The methodology will be illustrated with applications to some classic problems in physical chemistry.

演讲嘉宾:Roberto Car

Roberto Car is a theoretical condensed matter physicist and physical chemist. He is known for the ab-initio molecular dynamics method that he introduced with Michele Parrinello, and for electronic structure and simulation studies of disordered systems. Car was born in Trieste (Italy) and graduated from the Milan Politecnico (Technical University of Milan). After postdoctoral appointments at EPFL (Switzerland) and at the IBM TJ Watson research Center, he held physics professor positions at SISSA and at the University of Geneva (Switzerland). Since 1999 he is professor of chemistry and the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials at Princeton University, where he is also associated professor of physics and the Program in Applied and Computational Mathematics. Car has been awarded numerous prizes, including the 1990 Europhysics Prize, the 1995 APS Rahman Prize, the 2009 Dirac Medal of the ICTP, the 2009 IEEE Fernbach Award, the 2010 Berni J. Alder CECAM Prize for Computational Physics, the 2012 Fermi Prize of the Italian Physical Society, the 2016 ACS Theoretical Chemistry Award, and the 2021 Franklin Medal for Chemistry. Car holds honorary degrees from Italian and Swiss Universities. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA since 2016.

2. Scientific machine learning without data
演讲嘉宾:王    磊

Lei Wang got bachelor degree from Nanjing University in 2006 and PhD from Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2011. He did postdoctoral research on computational quantum physics at ETH Zurich in the next few years. Lei Wang joined Institute of Physics in 2016. His research interest is at the cross-section of deep learning and quantum many-body computation.

3. 分子光谱与材料构效关系的机器学习研究

演讲嘉宾:江   俊


4. 分子模拟的开源社区

张林峰,普林斯顿大学应用数学系博士。林峰通过有效结合机器学习、多尺度建模方法、高性能计算,有效解决了计算化学、分子模拟、增强采样等方向中的一系列关键问题, 发表30多篇学术论文,发展了DeePMD-kit/DP-GEN等开源软件和DeepModeling开源社区。林峰与合作者发展的方法在时间和空间尺度上将第一性原理精度延伸了多个数量级,对物理、化学、材料、生物等领域的第一性原理建模和模拟产生较大影响。最近,林峰作为核心开发者的工作获得2020年度高性能计算领域最高奖ACM戈登贝尔奖。

5. 圆桌论坛:AI for Science

演讲嘉宾:王   涵

王涵,现为北京应用物理与计算数学研究所副研究员。2002年进入北京大学数学科学学院学习,2006年获学士学位,2011年获博士学位,师从张平文院士。主要研究兴趣为分子模拟中的多尺度建模与计算方法,以及基于深度学习的分子建模。曾获中国数学会计算数学分会第五届青年创新奖。2020年与合作者共同推动完成的工作成果—“Pushing the limit of molecular dynamics with ab initio accuracy to 100 million atoms with machine learning”获得国际高性能计算应用领域最高奖—戈登贝尔奖(ACM Gordon Bell Prize)。

